The Chemistry Collection

ultima modifica 04/08/2017 15:46


Enciclopedia di chimica scientifica e industriale […], diretta da Francesco Selmi, Torino, Napoli, UTET, 1868-1878.

The collection consists of 147 volumes, mainly published from the Fifties of the 19th century to the Twenties of the 20th century. The majority of books deals with practical experimental chemistry, physical and analytical chemistry, toxicology, forensic chemistry, food chemistry, pharmacology and pharmaceutical chemistry, but  there are also some interesting titles on physics, biology, microbiology, physiology and medicinal chemistry, as well as applied and industrial chemistry.

It is worth mentioning the famous eleven-volumes edition of Enciclopedia di chimica scientifica e industriale, ossia Dizionario generale di chimica colle applicazioni alla agricoltura (UTET, 1868-1878) edited by Francesco Selmi, including the two supplements published in 1880-1881.


The collection is available at: Santa Maria delle Grazie Chemistry and Life sciences Library map


Cristina LUNGHI, Fernando PULIDORI, Luigi TABACCHI, Dipartimento di chimica: biblioteca ‘fondo antico’, in Verso un museo delle scienze: orto botanico, musei e collezioni storico-scientifiche dell’Università di Ferrara, a cura di Carmela Loriga, «Annali dell’Università di Ferrara», volume speciale (2001), p. 53.